Thursday, September 30, 2010


I'm trying to see if this posts on both blogs.....

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My sweet Cade

My conversation with Cade (age 9 1/2) tonight right before bed went something like this:

Cade: mom, when I grow up, if I can convince my wife to buy a house next door to you and daddy would that be alright or would that embarrass you?

Me: of course I would love for you and your wife to live right by me and daddy

Cade: well, what if we had to move for my job, would you and daddy try to move and get a house next door to me and my wife?

Me: probably

Cade: well, about holidays, would you come to my house or would we go to your house?

Me: we could switch out, sometimes I will come to your house and sometimes you will come to our house

Cade: well, you know when I have kids it will be easier for you to come to our house so we don't have to take their beds and toys and stuff

Me: well, of course

I'm glad we have all that settled now ;)

I love that kid :)

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Walking pneumonia

Cade has it. He was feeling crappy at the start of the week and I kept him home from school on Tuesday. But Tripp said by Tuesday evening he was fine and running around and playing football outside (I was at work). Wednesday super early he woke up and said he was having a hard time taking in a deep breath. When he woke back up to get ready for school, he just seemed like he felt horrible so we made him go back to bed. While he was asleep I just had a feeling I should take him to the doc. I woke him up around noon and took him in. The doc said his lungs sounded pretty bad and his pulse ox (the oxygen in his blood) was not the best. He needed two breathing treatments and she still heard crackles, so she said he had walking pneumonia (apparently the difference between that and regular pneumonia is the lack of fever). He is on antibiotics for 10 days and an inhaler every 4 hours for 24-48 hours. I had to work again yesterday evening but Tripp said he was pretty miserable, bad headache, throwing up, just felt awful. He went to bed last night at 8pm and woke up a little bit after I got home feeling much better. I hung out with him until almost 3 am and by the time he woke up this morning he was feeling almost 100%. He still has the cough, but other than that he's great. It's amazing how fast kids can bounce back! Apparently he has been unable to take a real deep breath for a while now, I told him it would have been a good thing to tell somebody! Mom was saying it is crazy that he's been toughing it out playing football and baseball....he's one tough dude :)

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Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Welcome to our blog!

Now if I can only figure out how to post to both this blog and the coast 2 coast blog at the same time, I will feel like a genius :) I also need to figure out how to post videos.

I wish I had something extraordinary to write in my first post....but I don't.

But good things will come!

Welcome to our busy, crazy, wonderful life as a new family of SIX!!

These are the only three pictures that i have of all 4 of them together.....that is my goal this week, to get some more!

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