Friday, October 29, 2010

My little MVP

Cade had a great football season, he loved every minute of it (well, almost every minute, I think the 3 days of practice every week got a little old). He loved his coach and learned so much. He played mainly defense, outside linebacker, but at the game last week he got to run the ball for the first time and made a 60 yard touchdown (in my humble opinion he should have been running the ball the whole year...just ask dad!) He has a playoff game tomorrow morning, and I'm hoping they will let him run the ball again. He had his end of the season party last weekend and got defensive MVP! I don't think he realized it was such a big deal, but when we explained what MVP was and that out of every other kid that played defense the whole year, the coach thought he deserved the award, he was very excited. I don't hate watching him play like I thought I would, I thought I would freak out that other kids were trying to tackle him, but honestly, the way he hits, I'm a little worried for the kids he's hitting! And not to mention, the day before his first practice, Tripp had to get on YouTube and show him videos of football games. He didn't even know what a quarterback did, he asked Tripp "is the quarterback was the guy who hikes the ball" he has come a long way ;)

Tough guy

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Sweet Jaxon

I went on a field trip with Jaxon's class today to the park and pumpkin patch. I talked with his teacher for a while and she had nothing but nice things to say about him. She said he is a model student and one of the best examples to the other children she's ever had. She said he's a crazy, wild, fun little boy but knows exactly when it is time to be serious. She said he is sweet and polite and nice to everyone. He of course cracks her up all the time and she said he seems so much more mature than any of his classmates that she has to remind herself that he is only 6. She said the things that come out of his mouth astound her (in a good way of course). She also said he'll have to watch out for the girls when he gets older because they all love him. He's not only a great student, but an awesome big and little brother. The other day at the dentist Ella went back with the boys (without me) to get her teeth cleaned. The hygienist that cleaned his teeth came out to tell me that she watched Jaxon first and he was so sweet and such a good example to her that she let him pick out two toys from the treasure chest and he picked one for himself and the other one for Ella. It was a tiny tea cup because he said "I knew she would just love this so much". She said it was so sweet that it almost made her cry. I love that little goofball so much, and feel so blessed to be his mommy :)

I love that face :)

Eating lunch

Jax and his buddy Dalton

Playground time!

Picking the perfect pumpkin

Jaxon's first grade class

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Thursday, October 28, 2010

Well crap....

Well first I was messing around with the template for the blog and can't seem to get all the info, like the archives and followers and stuff, back over to the right side of the page instead of at the bottom. I have tried every single one and none of them will put them back where they were. Second, I'm pretty sure I stole the background to Brie's was he only one I loved...of course, so sorry, tomorrow I I'll search for a new one. Third, mom, you mentioned that I didn't post something on our family blog, well, when I post from my phone, for whatever reason, it will not let me post to both at the same time. So there will be things here and there that are not on the family blog (at least until I can figure out how to fix my phone) sorry! Oh, and I was also wondering how do I make it to where I get the comments in my email, I thought no one had commented and then I found the "comment" section tonight and realized they had, I just wasn't notified my email like on our family blog

Ok, enough questions for one night....I'm going to bed

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Thank goodness for "wives"

I was holding Lyla up above me and she spit up all over my chest, Jaxon was sitting next to me and got a disgusted look in his face and said "I sure am glad I will have a wife to take care of all that gross baby stuff when I grow up". Haha, thank goodness for wives ;)

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Fashionably Challenged

When I picked the boys up from the bus yesterday...

Cade: Oh mom, thank GOSH you FINALLY got some style back

(he apparently approved of my new pink plaid button up shirt)

Me: Well, when was the last time I had style?

Cade: Oh, I was at least 6 or 7


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Sunday, October 24, 2010

Pumpkin Patch

We went to Mike's tree farm a couple nights ago. The kids had a great time on the hayride, picking out their very own pumpkin, playing football, eating fudge from their amazing bakery, and eating a very good dinner. Despite the attacking mosquitos, and Cade accidentally dropping Ella face first on some brick steps (resulting in a busted lip) it was a great night! Dad, we forgot to get a picture of you and all the kids :(

The boys getting ready to play a little football...

You can see her little fat lip in this picture

Little skeleton baby


"will you take my picture next to these beautiful flowers mommy?"

This picture was after several attempts...

They LOVED the hayride to the pumpkin patch

She said "this pumpkin is soooo heavy, it is a good thing I have big muscles"

He picked put a pretty pumpkin!

Even Lyla loved the pumpkins :)

I love her sweet little face in this one

Lyla finally fell asleep while waiting for dinner for almost 1 1/2 hours, thank goodness for heath bar fudge from the bakery to tide us over ;)

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Tuesday, October 19, 2010

4 months old

I feel like the older I get, the faster my life goes. I feel like I blinked and now my baby girl, who is suppose to be a newborn....just isn't. She is a baby who giggles, and eats her hands, she smiles at strangers and interacts with her brothers and sister. She loves to be outside, and to take a bath, she loves her ultrasaucer and is almost rolling over. She loves her new bumbo seat and having her diaper changed. She loves for me to "wear" her in any of my baby wearing "gear" and she hardly ever cries. At her doc appt today she said Lyla was perfect, and strong and right on track, she weighs 14 lbs 2 oz and is 24 inches long. Why does she have to grow so fast :( I think that because I know she is my last baby, I am having a hard time.....but I am also treasuring and loving every single second :)

Sorry, I couldn't seem to narrow it down :)

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I am so incredibly happy that my girls have each other, and I hope they can be best friends forever :)

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Monday, October 18, 2010

A new view

Well, I broke down and borrowed a bumbo seat from my neighbor...Lyla loves it, so does Ella. I also caught Cade doing a headstand in it and Jaxon eating his afterschool snack in it....maybe I should put one on their christmas list.

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Fun times...

I showed Cade this picture of the huge pile of laundry I have been working on all day, he said "I don't know what your complaining about, laundry seems like it would be a lot of fun"....guess who is learning how to do laundry right now ;)

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Sunday, October 17, 2010


Tripp: Ella, when a little girl is sick she needs to go to bed because it makes you better

Ella: no daddy, chocolate chips make me all better

Good point...

Walking through walmart:
Ella: oh, I want a nice crow, I want a nice crow, pleeeease, I want a nice crow!

I was trying to figure out what she was talking about and she finally pointed at a scarecrow you put in your yard to decorate for fall

Me: oh, you mean a scarecrow

Ella: no mommy, I don't like things that are scary so I want a nicecrow

And this is just for my own records:
Polkanots=polka dots
Anytime she refers to a time frame it is always "last weeked";
"grandaddy got me ice cream last weekend" (really it was this morning). "I went to a football game last weekend" (really it was yesterday) "I am going to the Children's museum last weekend" (really she means tomorrow). Her new thing with Lyla is that she wants to rub her cheeks, I hear "mommy, mommy, bring Lyla down here, I HAVE to rub her cheeks"'s super cte and Lyla usually gives het a huge grin :)

Haha, I love that sweet girl!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Tummy time

Ella is so in love with her baby sister, and Lyla absolutely loves her big sis....and I love that they love each other so much, there is just a lot of love going on around here ;)

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My crazy kids

I love these goofballs :)

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