Tripp: Ella, when a little girl is sick she needs to go to bed because it makes you better
Ella: no daddy, chocolate chips make me all better
Good point...
Walking through walmart:
Ella: oh, I want a nice crow, I want a nice crow, pleeeease, I want a nice crow!
I was trying to figure out what she was talking about and she finally pointed at a scarecrow you put in your yard to decorate for fall
Me: oh, you mean a scarecrow
Ella: no mommy, I don't like things that are scary so I want a nicecrow
And this is just for my own records:
Polkanots=polka dots
Anytime she refers to a time frame it is always "last weeked";
"grandaddy got me ice cream last weekend" (really it was this morning). "I went to a football game last weekend" (really it was yesterday) "I am going to the Children's museum last weekend" (really she means tomorrow). Her new thing with Lyla is that she wants to rub her cheeks, I hear "mommy, mommy, bring Lyla down here, I HAVE to rub her cheeks"'s super cte and Lyla usually gives het a huge grin :)
Haha, I love that sweet girl!