I wanted to brag on Jax now :) This past Friday his weekly progress report came home and his teacher had written on the side something like "Jaxon is such a big help in class, he is a joy to have and helps out his classmates every day". I asked him what she was talking about, and he said that there were a couple kids in his class who had mental problems (one I know he is talking about is mildly autistic). He said they get upset real easy and frustrated while doing class work. He said he always finishes his work real fast so his teacher will put him with those students and he explains what they are suppose to do and helps them finish their work. Jaxon is such an empathetic, loving and caring little dude and while I am not the least bit surprised that he does this, I am sooo proud of him for doing so!!!
His latest obsession, learning to walk on his hands...he's surprisingly good :)
Such a sweet brother
His sisters LOVE him
And so does Cade
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