Thursday, December 30, 2010


Every year at a UNCW basketball game they have a group of kids from the basketball organization that the boys play for (Halo Hoops) do a little show at halftime. Out of 10 kids on his team, 2 were chosen, and he was one of the lucky ones! The place was packed and he was nervous, but he did so good and looked soooo cute :)

First they all ran around the court holding their basketballs (I was unable to use the flash because it made it dark, so the "action" shots are a little blurry. But I LOVE my new zoom lens...these were taken from way up in the bleachers :)

Then they all lined up

They were suppose to drop the ball behind their head and let it roll down their backs and catch can tell from that pic, that Jaxon was one of the few kids that could actually do it ;)

Doing a little dribbling

I took a video with my phone and have tried to upload it to YouTube several times but it is not letting me for some reason, I will try one more time...

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Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas 2010

Christmas 2010 was a great one! Santa was good to everyone!

Cade and Jaxon slept in their bedroom and the night before Tripp told them if they got out of bed and went into the living room without us,they had to go back to bed for 3 hours. They were to call us on the phone to wake us up. They started calling around 6am I think, Tripp answered and told them to go back to bed (we didn't go to bed until around 2). He called back and I answered about 20 minutes later, I told him "not yet, I can't even open my eyes". Apparently in the mean time they also called woo and gramps and said "come rescue us, we are stuck in our room and mom and dad won't wake up!". So we finally got up around 7am (still about 4 hours earlier than I preferred ;)

Yes, ridiculous, I know... There is a long story behind it...

Lyla loved her baby Belle...or should I say, she loved sucking on her face

She also loved/loves her singing seahorse from Max

She obviously was excited about her baby all gone :)

And Jax was pretty psyched about his back scratcher. When mom came to visit he tried to convince her to give him hers. When he was at dad's house the day before he found out grandaddy had one and he tried to buy it off of he was really excited he finally had one of his own!

Strawberry milk straws!!!

And baby erasers!!!! (I'll never get tired of these "surprise/happy faces!)

Cade LOVED is Boise State is 3 days after christmas and he has worn it every single day (i've had to wash it at night while he sleeps)

Jaxy LOVED his football shirt too. Christmas night we were at woo and gramps house and he sat down on the coffee table too close to a candle and his shirt caught on fire. He reached and touched it with his fingers and burnt two of his fingertips really bad. Luckily uncle hunt was sitting close and put out the fire and ripped his shirt off. It could have been soooo much worse than it was, he was very lucky. His fingers hurt so bad all night, but he was okay by the next day. His fingers have huge blisters on them, but they don't bother him. What does bother him is that his shirt is ruined. But luckily mom found the same shirt and ordered it today for him. I am letting it be a surprise. I cant wait until he sees it!

Opening their new rolling bat bags with the Wrightsville tide logo and their names and numbers embroidered on them

At one point I said "hold on we need to clean up" and immediately Ella went right to work picking up paper and putting it in the trash bag...such a good girl :)

Lyla LOVES this thing! (this is the thing I was talking about mom)

This was taken from across the house with my NEW zoom lens Tripp got me!

The next few are the kid and their loot (BEFORE we went to Woo and Gramps)

Jaxy and grandaddy reading one of his new books...the newest from the "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" series

The aftermath...yes, Ella is picking her nose (she probably brought me what she found because she usually does and says "here, I found this in my nose")

More of her "happy face" (these next ones are from over at woo and gramps)

The boys sporting their new hats from uncle hunt and Jess and the carolina jersey from woo and (flat bill hats are "in" right now, and I still just don't like them...I know that makes me "old and uncool")

Opening their new bats (to go in those new bat bags!)

Remember this picture from when we were in columbia?

Well, she got that Barbie!!!

Probably their most favorite present, tickets to see a Carolina game in February. They have incredible seats about 20 rows behind one of the goals. The boys are convinced they can get on tv if they wear their jerseys, blue hair, paint their faces and have a big blue hand to wave. Look for them on February 6th!

Lyla trying to take it all in

And if you didn't notice, Ella and Lyla have matching outfits on :)

Gramps and his girls

The next few were taken with my new portrait lens...I LOVE how it blurs the background. I haven't had time to really play around with it much since, but I can't wait until I do!

The boys made me this awesome candle holder from a cool stick they found at a baseball practice (they worked very hard with Gramp's help, cutting, and sanding, and staining). I told them it was my favorite gift because it "came from the heart", jaxon looked at me like I was crazy and said "ummmm, actually mom, it came from a piece of wood"...LOL!!!

The day after Christmas we got a little treat and had some snow. Though it was only a dusting the kids had so much fun making and throwing snowballs. Ella came in and threw one at me while I was on the couch nursing Lyla and cracked up and said "hey, my daddy told me to". The boys even ambushed the Chinese delivery man, poor guy!

We had a WONDERFUL Christmas and I am so sad we have to wait an entire year before the magic and excitement and anticipation can happen again...but I have a feeling this year will fly by and in no time I will be typing my Christmas 2011 post while trying to keep an 18 month old from climbing the tree!

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Christmas eve 2010

We had a wonderful Christmas eve, we always have a "hors d'oeuvre dinner" here at our house and Sean, Nicole and Halle, Dad and of course Tripp's parents and brother (uncle Hunt) come. We stuff our faces, listen to Christmas music, the kids open their new pj's and ornament, we make cookies for Santa and then Tripp reads The Night Before Christmas right before bed. This time Ella had discovered the pop-up Night Before Christmas that we had when we were little (do you guys remember that one? The one with the stairs on the first page and the closet door you can open?) she found it while at his house the day before and dad brought it over Christmas eve; she was very excited. The kids were all in bed and asleep before 10pm, I think that must be a record! According to Tripp Christmas Eve is the absolute, hands down, best day of the year...I must agree :)

Lyla "opening" her first present

I think the Tinkerbell slipped were a big hit :)

Two things Cade loves, a football playing nutcracker

Jax got a basketball playing nutcracker for his ornament

Ella got a "beautiful sparkly shoe"

Lyla was a tad more interested in Woo's Christmas Light necklace than she was in her ornament

Mixing the dough


Notice the blue water bottle, that was our rolling can tell I'm not much of a baker ;)

That was Ella's own personal "practice" dough ball after she dropped it on the ground

Nicole was trying to get a pic of Halle's cute flour covered face, when she realized Halle had a huge ball of dough in her mouth!

I actually got one of all 5 of them looking at the camera....I was shocked!

"twas the night before Christmas and all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse..."

"the stockings were hung by the chimney with care..." (or in our case, sitting on the floor)

Christmas Eve 2010 :)

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