Sunday, December 5, 2010


We went to Columbia this past weekend for Tripp's work Christmas party (the home office for his company is in Kitty Hawk in the Outer Banks). There happened to be a Christmas festival going on in town the whole weekend and we were able to go and see a parade and see Santa Clause. Ella even ate breakfast with Santa at the library on Saturday morning. While we were waiting in line to see Santa Saturday night it started to snow outside, the kids were sooooo excited. It snowed really hard for several hours but just wasn't cold enough to stick and was gone by morning. But it was such a wonderful weekend and we all had a fabulous time! Better get ready for a picture overload....

Both boys are playing basketball this winter, so that is the latest obsession. It was about 40 degrees all weekend and they were out there for HOURS every day!

Breakfast with Santa...and Megan and Grace :)

She was so shy but sat there and very quietly told him what she wanted :)

She was asleep 2 minutes after we got in the car

Lyla Tripp's grandma :)

Cheesy baby

Woo and her girls

Ella thought this was sooo funny, we took several pictures like this, some where she was the "pretty lady" and some where she was the man

Lyla all bundled up at the parade...her cute grey snuggly outfit was Cade's when he was newborn!

Ella and her new "baby bear"

The ONLY smiling pic I think I got of him all day...he's getting too old and "cool" for his old mom anymore :(

Love those blue eyes

Ella loved that "beautiful Barbie"

Ella was telling Jaxon how crazy it was that there was a boat on the road

"Look Jaxon, Santa is coming!"

He was covering her ears because the sirens on the firetruck were going off

Not sure what they were talking about

Then he just kissed heart melted :)

Waiting in line for Santa

Cade decided he didn't want to sit on his lap this year and that he would just write him a sad :(

Lyla loved his beard and the fur on his coat


Ella and Gramps "eating" the snow!

Jaxon was trying to collect it in a bowl

Tripp got Ella dressed for bed and she came downstairs cracking up because he put Lyla's pj's on her on accident

Ella and Grace

My sleeping beaut

Grammy and Lyla

Grandaddy and Lyla

Lyla checking out the Christmas tree

Lyla checking out grandaddy

The kids opened their presents from Grammy and grandaddy and Ella got a doll (that she LOVES) and a scarf that Grammy made..she wore it the whole way home (around 4 hours)

The boys were VERY excited about a Carolina piggy bank filled with money!

Thanks Grammy and grandaddy!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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