Friday, January 21, 2011

Lyla 7 months

Well, our little Lyla girl has had an explosion of personality in the last week! She has pulled up to standing, started saying "dada", she can wave and sign "nurse nurse", she makes the most hilarious faces and cracks up at everything. Separation and stranger anxiety are in full effect (somewhat annoying) but once she realizes she does in fact remember who you are, she is ok. She is soooo close to crawling, she can crawl backwards, but not forwards. Though she can somehow get anywhere she wants to go with this little scoot thing she does. Problem with the "backwards crawl" is that she is constantly getting stuck under things...she gets stuck under chairs, and tables and her little activity table and cries until you get her "unstuck".

She is now eating solids; she has tried peas (we all remember how well that went over ;) avocado, carrots, bananas, apples, sweet potato, squash and rice mum mums (think a theether biscuit but made out of rice that dissolves into a nice gooey soft mess the minute she slobbers on it). Though she still prefers to nurse, I can only feed her "real" food if she is not starving.

Her sleeping isn't the best these days, I think it's because she is either teething, or her brain and body are in overdrive with all the stuff she is learning right now she can't settle into a good deep sleep. Or she just doesn't feel like being a good sleeper! She usually wakes up at least once during the night, but she will sleep way in in the morning if she wakes up during the night, so that makes up for it sometimes!

She seems to have somewhat of a temper. If you take something away from her she throws her head back or forwards (reminds me of when Cade would head but everything when he was little) and "yells" at you. Though she is still a very "chill" baby. She will play in the playroom with Ella for close to an hour before she even makes a peep (minus when she is stuck under something ;) And she seems to be very easygoing.

She went to the doc around 6 months and weighed 16 pounds 9 ounces and was 25 inches long. She wear 6-12 month clothes and size 3 diapers. She has rolls everywhere and I LOVE it!

My sweet blue eyed girl :)

Right in the middle of the pictures, she scooted over to the toy chest and pulled right up to standing for the first time! I guess she figured she needed a new trick for the 7 month pictures!

The faces of Lyla Lu

Blurry, but hilarious...

"Ella, you crack me up"

Trying out the crab walk

Drool much?

I love those cheeks, they are ridiculously kissable :)

Mmmmm, a mum-mum

Here Ella was telling her to say daddy, she was screaming "dada dada dada"

Stuck under the table....for 85th time that day!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. These are so cute! How awesome that you have a picture of the first time she pulled to standing! I love all her faces. She is so adorable!

  2. She is so stinkin cute!! I love her lil faces, she reminds me so much of Ella....hopefully we will get down there in March!!!

  3. She really could not be any cuter. What a doll. I don't know how you stand it. I can't wait to see her again. I need to figure out when that will be!!!
