Thursday, July 21, 2011

My baby is a year!!!

Well, technically she is now 13 months and 2 days, but we've been busy...sorry!

That was hands down the fastest year of my life! She is such a joy to be around (even when her temper flares ;) she has such an awesome personality, I could just sit and watch her play for hours. She ADORES Cade, Jax and Ella and can say all of their names now, actually here are some "stats":

21 pounds
29 1/4 inches long
12-18 month clothes
Size 3 shoes
Size 3 diapers

Words she can say: mama, dada, Cade, Jax Jax, Ella, Lyla, gramps, uncle hunt, ball, baby, cheese, baseball, uh oh, what, no no, and LOTS of jibber jabber

Favorite foods: peas, corn, cheese, turkey, grapes, oranges, strawberries, yogurt, bananas, any kind of cereal, any soups, crackers, now that I thi about it, she's really not too picky....yet, she will be 2 someday and we all know what happens to 2 year old taste buds.

She LOVES to be outside, that is probably her most favorite thing to do right now. She likes to just walk around and explore, or play with dirt, or eat anything she is not suppose to.

She also LOVES water, the pool, the bath, a water table, or just washing her hands. In the pool she loves to sit on the top step and splash and kick her feet. She will also get on her hands and knees and put her face in the water. She doesn't have any fear, she will try and jump right into the pool whether someone is there to catch her or not. In the bath, she would play for hours if I let her, she is my first kid to not scream and cry when I pour water all over her head and face (she used to, but has stopped...and the rest didn't stop until they were at least 3-4 years old!). She even thinks it's funny and will laugh when Ella pours water on her head and face.

She also loves baby dolls and stuffed animals, she takes care of her babies by trying to feed them and put them in the stroller for a little walk, or in the baby bed with a blanket on. She kisses them and gives them hugs.

She HAS to have or be doing everything that Ella is doing, and if she can't she will let you know...quickly. She has quite a temper and is very feisty and we are trying to work hard on not hitting, not slapping, not biting, etc.

She has recently been very interested in books. She loves to just sit and look at them by herself, or for anyone to read to her. She flips the pages and points to things and comments in her "Lyla language" on every page.

She's crazy and wild and sweet and an absolute JOY to raise. I'm so excited to see her personality emerge even more and watch her learn and grow every day! Happy (belated) Birthday, We LOVE you Little Miss Lyla Lu!!!!!

We didn't get very many good "12 month" pictures because the day we tried them it was a million degrees outside and the mosquitos were swarming around us and I couldn't take it out there. I had full intentions of trying to take them again, but never got around to it. Luckily Kelli took some (I'm sure) awesome 1st year pics when she was here (I can't wait to see them!!!), so that will have to count for her "12 month" pics!

A shot of her gorgeous hair

She must have stepped on something

A shot of the trash on my patio (courteous of Tripp's grilling from the night before)

Love those legs :)

Her "concerned" look

"where's Lyla???"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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