Thursday, November 3, 2011

Lyla Lu, 16 months

Sixteen months going on Sixteen years ;)

She weighs right at 22 pounds and is 30.5 inches tall. She wears size 18-24 month clothes (but still fits in several 12-18 month things) and 4-5 size shoes (depending on the shoe). The doc said she is right in the 50th% for weight and height, but she seems so small to me...guess not!

She is still as feisty as can be, and LOVES to be the center of attention (we could have another Jaxon on our hands ;) she loves to be silly and make funny faces and laughs all the time. She has the cutest dimple on her right cheek and her eyes seriously light up when she smiles.

Her favorite phrase, by far, is "NO MINE"....if I had a quarter for every time I heard that, I could already have enough money set aside to send all 4 of the kids to college. She seems a little shy around strangers, but not always, it's almost like when it works in her favor she is shy, but if she wants something from you, she is charming and sweet....she's too smart for her own good ;)

Her new thing is to be scared of everything, and again, I believe it's an attention thing because we all crack up at her funny "scared face". She loves to copy Ella when she is doing her gymnastics, after Ella does any of her tricks, Lyla runs and pretty much pushes Ella out of the way and does a front roll and waits for all of us to clap and make a big deal about it. She LOVES to give hugs and kisses still and says "bye bye" and blows kisses to just about everybody she leaves.

She's talking like crazy, and can repeat pretty much everything we say. She is still a pretty good eater and insists on doing everything by herself. For instance if I am eating a piece of pizza and try to pinch off a piece for her, or even hold it and let her take a bite, she will throw an absolute fit because she wants to hold the whole piece and feed herself.

She's fast, agile, has great balance and is really strong. She's pretty fearless when it comes to climbing and jumping off high objects. She crawled out of her highchair the other day and was dangling holding onto the tray, she was calling for me, saying "I stuck" (it was the first time she climbed out, we have since had to buckle her in). We can also put her up to the pull up bar and she just hangs there by herself for a long time.

She LOVES to dance and dances every single time ANY music comes on. She also has pretty good rhythm considering she is one, if the music is fast, she dances fast, if it is slow, she dances slow (and on beat!). She also pretends to sing and puckers up her lips and "sings" like crazy.

She LOVES baby dolls, she hugs and kisses them, and feeds them and pushes them around in the stroller or shopping cart. When she sees pictures of new baby Sadie on the iPad or my phone she squeals "baby, baby" and hugs the phone or iPad. She also still loves to be outside, she gets very upset anytime the front door opens and she doesn't get to go outside. Her other interests include doing ANYTHING that Ella is doing.

She also loves to name body parts, on herself, me, her baby dolls...She knows eyes, nose, mouth/teeth, ear, belly, knee and toes. It's super cute until she gets really excited when trying to point to my eye ;)

The other loves of her life are Cade, Jaxon, and Ella....she sees them in pictures and she gets excited and points to them and says their names. When she sees them first thing in the morning or after school, she goes running to them and gives them big hugs. It makes my heart happy to watch the 4 of them together :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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