Thursday, September 30, 2010

My sweet Cade

My conversation with Cade (age 9 1/2) tonight right before bed went something like this:

Cade: mom, when I grow up, if I can convince my wife to buy a house next door to you and daddy would that be alright or would that embarrass you?

Me: of course I would love for you and your wife to live right by me and daddy

Cade: well, what if we had to move for my job, would you and daddy try to move and get a house next door to me and my wife?

Me: probably

Cade: well, about holidays, would you come to my house or would we go to your house?

Me: we could switch out, sometimes I will come to your house and sometimes you will come to our house

Cade: well, you know when I have kids it will be easier for you to come to our house so we don't have to take their beds and toys and stuff

Me: well, of course

I'm glad we have all that settled now ;)

I love that kid :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. I love that kid, too. He is SO awesome. I MISS HIM!!!!

  2. Oh my gosh, that is hilarious!!! He'll LOVE hearing about this when he's married :).

  3. Well Lynn and I have done sort of exactly what Cade is thinking!!
