Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Random iPhone pics...

Apparently I take too many pictures and videos on my phone since it told me to delete some of my 1,186 in order to add some more. So, I am going to start posting some I like on the blog in case I need to delete some. That is all these are, random iPhone pictures, most are on Facebook (some maybe even on here), but I can't remember at the moment which ones and I'm entirely too lazy to go look!

Haha, I'll let you come up with your own caption here ;)

Me and jaxy at the weeding rehearsal for the wedding he was in

Good old fashioned lemonade stand...they made $15!

Ella in her Halloween costume (that she has worn almost every day since Woo bought it for her a couple weeks ago)

Sleeping while out to eat

LOVE them when they are sleeping...especially at the same time ;)

Little Miss sassy pants

Blue eye girl

Little muscle man


A "fort" at football practice

An official contract between Cade and Jax...

Right after I took this pic, she climbed back up there and stood on one leg...crazy baby!

What every girl needs...a flower and a skull

Even in the rain she is cute :)

I will probably post some more when I don't have a certain unnamed baby hanging on my pant leg and screaming "MINE" because she is pretty sure this iphone belongs to her

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Tough guy

Last week I was walking into the bathroom and jaxy was in the hall, there was a chin-up bar hanging in the doorway that I totally forgot was there; I closed the door and it fell off...onto Jaxon's head. I thought he was fine but then the blood came. Long story short, we think one of the screws went into his head and it busted it open. He now has one nice staple on top of his head; which he thinks is the Coolest. Thing. Ever.....boys

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Jaxy, the big brother :)

Jax is a GREAT big brother, he's very sweet and his sisters love him!

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Little Miss Independant

Lately I have caught Ella painting her own nails, she actually does a great job and there is usually very little polish where it shouldn't be!

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Panthers White

The Panthers White team hasn't had the best start (there are two panthers teams, a black and white). Their offensive line is struggling a bit and Cade (or the other running back) doesn't get much of a chance to run the ball. These pics are kinda how every play goes...

Notice there are 10 Bengal players after Cade...there are only 11 defensive players on the field...where is the blocking you ask? Well, I see some of our guys back there somewhere...

And then usually 8-10 kids hit him all at one time...But we figure what doesn't kill him, will only make him stronger, right?

At least half (if not more) of the time he gets tackled in the backfield about .5 seconds after the hike.

Coach Tripp

Go number 33 :)

Kickoff return

It could be a long season, as we haven't won a game yet (we are 3 games in) but I have a good feeling about this weekend. Cade plays AWESOME every game (offense AND defense) and gives 110% no matter what. We couldn't be more proud of him and we LOVE to watch him play! Go PANTHERS!!!!

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Safety first...

Lyla LOVES to wash her hands and brush her teeth, I am always making her get down because I tell her she could fall and break her head. I walked in the other day to see this; she must have taken my advice and was taking extra precautions to keep her cute little head intact ;)

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Saturday, September 10, 2011

The next "So You Think You Can Dance" winner

Lyla LOVES to dance and we think the crazy lip thing she is doing is her idea of "singing". This is how crazy she goes when she hears ANY music, reminds me of Claire ;) I need to get her standing up dancing on video...

YouTube Video

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Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The many faces of Lyla Lu (14 months)

Hard to believe my baby girl is on her way to NOT being my baby girl :( She has grown up so much in the last couple of months it's crazy...and sad. She is soooo much fun (except when she is attached, literally, to my leg, which she loves to do while I try to do ANYTHING around the house). She is such a little ham, and loves for us to watch her do "tricks" and then make a big deal and clap for her. She LOVES to give hugs and kisses, especially when she hasn't seen Cade, Jax or Ella for a while; she will run to them and give them the biggest hug and then several kisses, it is sooo cute.

She still has a pretty bad temper and can go from sugary sweet to crazy maniac in a matter of seconds. Unfortunately her aggression it is often geared towards Ella (I suppose she already feels like that is her main competition :( ) She thinks it is very funny to pull Ella's hair until Ella screams for me, then I come running (to get the fist full of hair out of Lyla's hand) and she cracks up and takes off running away from me. But I will say 95% of the time they get along soooo well, and I love to watch them interact and play with each other. She loves to "show" us things she is doing; she runs up and grabs our arm or leg and will drag us to whatever she is "working" of then jibber jabbers for several seconds like she is telling us all about it.

Some of the things she LOVES: bath time, brushing her teeth, anything having to do with the outdoors, baby dolls, dancing (she does this cute scrunchy face, pouchy lip thing and open and closes her mouth so it looks like she is singing the song), blocks, balls, books, jumping on the bed, somersaults, riding her little indoor bike Woo and Gramps got for her birthday, climbing ANYTHING, and being super destructive (she can mess up a clean room faster than you can blink. Today I walked out of the room for 2 min, came back in to her standing on top of the kitchen table with a handful of coins putting them in and taking them out of a full cup of apple juice). She is also quite the daredevil; example: this evening she climbed up and stood on top of her bouncy turtle (a toy she is suppose to SIT on and bounce) let go of the handle and stood on one foot. She also loves to stand on top and the sit-n-spin and try to balance (and I DO mean the very top, not the spinning part). She is crazy tough, she falls down, gets pushed around and run over by the big kids all the time and it doesn't even phase her. I have had several people watch here take a bad fall that doesn't bother her and say "man, that must be the 4th kid in her"....if she cries, then I know she is really hurt!

She is still about 21 1/2 pounds and is now 30 inches tall. She still wears 12-18 month clothes but is finally starting to grow out of her size 3 shoes. She has her 8 front teeth and is now working on molars (which is why I think she has been an extra appendage of mine for a couple weeks now). Two of her molars have popped through in places on the top, and I can see the two bottom molars under the skin on the bottom....I hope they come in soon!

She is saying new works every day, I'm sure there are so many more, but these are off the top of my head (and I might have already written these in an earlier post, so forgive me): bath, bye, hi, yes, baby, see you, to, in, back, hot, eggs, botbot (broccoli), stop...she can almost repeat any one syllable word she hears.

I just love her sweet face; that cute dimple on her right cheek and those beautiful blue eyes; she can brighten your day by just flashing you one of her smiles :)

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First days...

5th grade, 2nd grade and preschool...how in the heck did this happen so quick! The boys started a couple weeks ago, and Ella had her first day of preschool today. They are all enjoying it, like their teachers and have friends in their classes. It was so strange to have just Lyla home today. I think it is going to be a great year for everyone!

Watch out world, these kiddos are going places :)

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