Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Lyla is Double Digits!!!

TEN months :o WHAT THE HECK, that's soooo depressing! She is sooo much fun though :) she is a walking, talking (sort of) machine these days. She walks WAY more than she crawls, and she is trying to copy things we say now. She looks at my lips when I say things and tries to make her mouth do the same thing mine is doing. Some of the new things she has "said" this month: baby=baba, poop=poo and hi=hi :) She will now sign, "water" and "thank you". She LOVES to wave, she waves hello and bye bye to everyone we see, stranger or not; and it's the adorable backwards wave...soooo cute. She loves to clap her hands, play patty cake and peek-a-boo and still walks/crawls around with something in her hand. She loves baby dolls, and anything that makes noise. She LOVES to be outside and LOVES to take baths. She has quite the temper and does not like to be told "no", nor is she a fan of anything being taken away from her. She also dislikes the car seat and has been known to scream the entire way home from across town. But other than that she is a complete JOY! She was sick for the first time this month with a bad cold and ended up with an ear infection :( I hope this is the first and last one we ever have to deal with. She is so in love with Cade, Jaxon and Ella and completely lights up, claps and waves when she sees them. She is into everything; cabinets, the fireplace, the TV and stereo, Camus's dishes, laundry, the dishwasher, the boys homework...you name it, she will try to destroy it. She is wearing 12-18 month clothes, size 2 shoes and size 3 diapers. She was 20 pounds when she went to the doc for her ear infection, but she goes for her 10 month well check in 2 days, so I will see how long she is then. She is still a trooper and goes with the flow when going to baseball practices, and baseball games, and baseball tournaments, and gymnastics, and school functions, ect.....oh, the life of a 4th kid. I love to see her learn and grow every day, I savor every minute of her "babyhood" because I know it will be over in a flash!

Love those cankles :)

It's getting thick back there!

Eating grass...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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