Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Lyla 11 month

She's almost there, almost a year, what the heck?!?! She is such a happy, funny, wild, sweet little girl. She RUNS everywhere she goes, and because she is petite I still get plenty of comments that she looks way too small to walk. She is always just as busy as she can be; usually getting into things she is not suppose to be in to (like the trash, the boys homework, in the cabinets, eating play dough, etc.). She can play and entertain herself pretty well, but LOVES to play with Cade, Jax and Ella. She loves to dance, she will dance to any sound that even resembles music; she also loves to dance when Ella sings :) She still loves to wave "hi" and "bye" to everyone she sees. She also loves the sandbox, her and Ella will play for hours in there and she never even tries to eat the sand. She LOVES baby dolls and will hug and kiss them and try to feed them bottles (super CUTE!). She loves to put things inside of stuff and take it back out again, over and over. She is very into anything Ella is doing, weather it is drawing (Lyla will help her by eating the crayons), playing barbies (Lyla helps by eating their clothing, or chewing on their faces), reading books (Lyla will tear out and eat the pages) or even helping Ella go potty but unrolling the whole roll of toilet paper and stringing it all over the bathroom.

She has a temper and will throw herself down on the floor, very dramatically, and cry when she doesn't get her way or you take something away from her. She also makes hilarious faces, it reminds us of Jaxon when he was little, he always had the craziest facial expressions. She often tries to copy people's facial expressions, or noises they make (l Ike Ella's "piggy" noise, or blowing bubbles with her mouth or screaming really loud).

She loves any food that we are eating (favorites being corn, peas, broccoli and rice) and her favorite snacks are: Freeze dried fruit, veggie sticks, grapes, raisins, bananas, goldfish, and strawberries. I'm also told she is a fan of Britts donuts; but I had no part in that :/

She is wearing size 18 month clothes, size 3 diapers, finally in size 3 shoes (if they run small, she can still wear some size 2 shoes). Her hair is getting so long, and just like Ella, she has a nice little mullet, so I put her hair in piggy tails. She has 2 teeth on bottom and 3 almost 4 (and when I mean almost I mean probably by the time I finish posting this it will be through) on top.

She has a beautiful, infectious smile, amazing eyes and an awesome laugh and is so much fun; man, I love this little girl...

A good shot of one of her piggy tails

Her "pouty" face...and boy does she break that out a lot

And there are those eyes :)

"YAY, I'm 11 months old!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. She is so sweet I could eat her! You and Tripp have truly been blessed with a beautiful family. I enjoy your pictures so much, the kids ALWAYS look like they are having such a good time, no matter what, pure happiness!
