Friday, November 9, 2012

A tea party for a very cute FIVE year old!

I can NOT believe our sweet Bella Ella is turning FIVE on Sunday!!! Where did the last 5 years go!?!? Mom was in town for Halloween and the first week in November, so we decided to have her party a week early so mom/Gammy could be here! I am so behind on posting pictures (like at least 6-8 months) but this party turned out soooo cute, I had to share this now (out of order). Plus, at the rate I'm going, it might not get blogged about until she is six, if I don't do it now!
Ella wanted a tea party, and since I had mom here to help me, we went all out, and everything turned out cuter than I ever thought possible! I wish we had gotten set up earlier when the light was better, because the pics would have been a little better, but you get the idea!
The birthday banner!

The food table (we also had pink strawberry milk and pink lemonade that the girls LOVED drinking out of their fancy tea cups)

The girls loved the fruit "pizzas"

All the "fancy" cookies

Mini heart and flower pb&j sandwiches

Cupcakes in handmade (by mom!) paper tea cups, you should have seen how many tries it took her to get the right sized handles ;)

I "bedazzled" her candle

The tea party! Mom brought TEN fancy real tea cups and saucers in her carry on suitcase, they were PERFECT for the party!

We made the napkin rings with fake dollar store flowers and hair rubber bands!

All the girls had fun finding their names!

Ella's chair had a special balloon and flowers on it

This was taken after the party when I realized out balloon "chandelier" didn't show up in any of the pics

Ella's place setting

The "2 and under" table :)

Pass the teapot game! There were rings in the teapot and we played music and when it stopped whoever was holding the tea pot got to pick a ring to keep, they loved it!

It turned into a dance party!

Tea party bingo! All the girls won necklaces

They also made "fancy hats" (glued dollar store flowers onto dollar store cowboy hats...because its all we could find!) because Ella insisted you couldn't have a tea party without fancy hats :)

Time for the tea party!

Fancy hat!

Lighting of the fancy candle

They all loved to use their tiny spoons to drink their "tea"

The "2 and under" table guests

Yummy cupcakes


One of her favorite gifts, a princess castle!

No nap...not sure how she made it this far

The aftermath

Ella had a great time and it was so fun to celebrate our sweet girls 5th birthday!!!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. So sweet! Looks like she was the perfect little southern belle!
