Tuesday, December 28, 2010

More "stuff"

Cade at his first basketball game, he loves it and is having a great time. His first game he scored 6 points, and his second game he scored 16! So he's not too shabby either ;)

Jaxy after his first game, he too is AWESOME!

Reading fireside :)

Ella's friend, Addie, Came over and they made Christmas cookies

She also brought Ella's birthday present (a princess ball pit) because she was sick when Ella had her party...she loves it, can you tell?

When we put the beanbag in there, Lyla loved it to!

Daddy and Lyla hanging by the christmas tree

Jaxy reading a book to Ella, Jaxon has a newfound love of reading (which I LOVE!)

Jaxy at his 7th birthday party (that we finally had after having to cancel it the prior weekend because he was throwing up)

Opening presents....yes, my roots really are that dark, and yes, I am getting them done soon ;)

Lyla LOVED jaxon's slinky

My sweet Lyla

Daddy and his girls

This is what the 4th kid gets as a playpen ;)

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

1 comment:

  1. Man, Lyla girl is so pretty! Love how she's looking at the slinky!
