Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Lyla 8 months

Lyla had quite a day on her 8 month "birthday". That morning she started saying "mama", and during her pictures she stood up all by herself without pulling up on anything. A few minutes after that, Cade came out of the house and was clapping and she copied him and started clapping. Then that evening her first tooth came in! I think 8 months is going to be a big month for her :)

She is so full of personality these days, and is at such a fun age; learning new things every day. She can communicate a little now and signs: more, all done, eat, and milk. She also shakes her head no and says "nananana" when she doesn't want something and shakes her head yes as well (example: the other day I showed her some baby food and she shook her head no, I showed her some veggie straws and she shook her head yes and signed "eat" and the veggie straws WERE what she wanted to eat). She also has an extremely cute "fake cry" and uses it when she's not getting her way. And an adorable "scrunchy" funny face she does all the time.

She is a champion crawler now and can also walk behind anything that moves. She pulls up to standing on any and everything and lets go for several seconds before falling. As mentioned above she has also stood up without pulling up on anything. She is very good at feeding herself. She can pick up anything with her little chubby fingers and get it in her mouth in about 2 seconds flat.

She eats all kinds of baby food now, as well as veggie straws, kix cereal, little bits of what we are eating like pasta, beans, breads, ect. She also loves dog food, tiny toys, money, paper and house plants ;)

She, like Jaxon, crawls around with something in her hand almost all the time. It is always her left hand and her favorite thing to "carry" around is any small stuffed animal that she can wrap her little hand around the arm, leg or neck of the animal. She loves a couple of Ella's little Care Bears as well as the animals I cut off Ella's old symphony in motion mobile. In fact, even if she doesn't have something in her left hand she crawls with her little hand closed like she does, and the right one is always open.

She still doesn't like strangers or for me to leave the room or for anyone to take something away from her. She still has quite the temper and is already quite the drama queen.

She loves taking a "big girl bath" now with Ella in the big bath. She also loves to be outside, she will sit in her stroller and watch all the kids play forever. She also loves just hanging out with her big brothers and sister. They all adore her so much and there is still no jealousy from Ella.

At her 8 month appt she was 18 pounds 9 ounces and 26 1/2 inches long. She is wearing 12 month pants, 12 or 18 month shirts, and still size 3 diapers. Her feet are sooo tiny, if she starts to walk soon I think it will be hard to find shoes for her tiny feet!

"hooray, I'm 8 months now!"

"I think I will eat this leaf now"

My blue eyed girl

Right before she stood

"look mom, no hands!"

This is how she holds the little stuffed animals she crawls around with

I love those eyes

Her scrunchy face :)

Jaxy loves her so much...

It makes my heart smile :)

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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