Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lyla 9 months!

3/4 of a year....WHAT?!?!?!? How did this happen? She is such a "toddler" these days; with all the drama, temper tantrums, getting into everything and fighting for attention. She is so close to walking and has taken a step here and there, but hasn't taken off yet (thank goodness!). She LOVES to dance and will do so anytime there is music playing (including Tripp beat boxing :) As mentioned above, she loves to get into any and everything. She especially loves to eat houseplants, dog food, paper, coins, small toys and any other "non-food" item. In fact, I had to preform the real deal heimlich maneuver on her a couple of weeks ago, it took years off my life. She has decided she is too grown for baby food and will only eat "real food" that she can chew....with those 2 cute little teeth she has. She loves to clap, wave, make the "scrunchie face", stick her tongue in and out like a lizard, and scream really loud when she gets excited. She still loves to be outside, take baths, play with Cade, Jax and Ella, and when caught doing something wrong crawls away as fast as her little short legs will take her. She has a new fascination with baby dolls, especially ones with eyes that open and close. In addition to the signs she knew, she has added "water" to her list. Some of her dislikes: strangers, water getting on her face when I wash her hair, taking anything away from her, Ella crying, and as mentioned above, baby food. She is wearing a lot of 18 month stuff these days and still size 3 diapers. She is getting so much hair, and it seems super thick, I hope it doesn't turn light this summer, I LOVE her dark hair and blue eyes. She's a sweet, fun, happy baby and such a wonderful fit into our family :)

Ella insisted on the headband.....she said it would be so beautiful on her :)

She loves that monkey, it was her first Valentine from us, and I love those rolls and cankles :)

I also love those little teeth


And those pretty baby blues

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