Monday, November 1, 2010

Happy Halloween

We had a great Halloween! Dad came over and we finally carved the kids pumpkins (or should I say Dad finally carved the pumpkins) and then we went trick-or-treating and got enough candy (and we only hit maybe 1/3 of the neighborhood) to last them until next year. The boys were running the whole time and were about 10 houses ahead of Ella. She was so excited, she said "tick-o-teat" and "tank you" at every house, then would run back to the wagon and say "they gave me MORE treats, let's go to a couple more houses". We had to empty her bag twice because it was too heavy for her to carry. After we were done we came back to the house for a yummy birthday steak dinner for dad. It was a great weekend!

This was Ella's face when she looked at the first bit of "pumpkin guts" that grandaddy took out

You know he is working hard when that tongue comes out ;)

Ella did not like Jaxon's pattern he picked out, she didn't like that he looked "mean"

Ella coloring her baby pumpkins


Jaxy's is the big one, Ella's is the small, happy one :)

This is the best one out of about 20....Ella had decided at that point she was done taking pictures

Some of the neighborhood kids

Baseball and football stars

Cade loves this pictures, he said it is 3D

I told him to pose like a football player.....he's so tough ;) and I promise you, there are kids on Cade's team (8-10 year olds) who STILL, after a whole season, can not figure out how to get in that position

Pretty little "nice" witch

This face just absolutely cracks me up!!!

She looks soooo old in this one :(

Cutest baby kitty I've ever seen (the big puzzle piece she is standing on was just inside by the front door and I needed something she could stand on so her tights wouldn't get dirty, so I just grabbed it...I should have looked for a blanket, because it looks pretty stupid!)

There is a cool haunted house down the street the kid get to go through, they look forward to it every year

I think this was before we added Ella's candy to the pile

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


  1. Love all the costumes! Cutest little (nice) witch and kitty cat I've ever seen!

  2. I LOVE the picture with all of them. It's good of everyone....even Ella who isn't smiling looks too cute. I agree with Kristin...the cutest (nice) witch and kitty cat ever. I love Jaxon's football stance. That kid can do it all. And that last picture is awesome with all the candy. I LOVE these pictures. FUN!
