Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Lyla is 5 months!

I'm a little late on this because she was 5 months old almost a week ago, but I have 4 sue me ;). She has become what I call, a "real baby" :( She now realizes she has feet (and is obsessed with eating her toes), she rolls all over the place, she is trying to scoot, she sits...she sat a week and a half before her 5 month birthday (so she would have plenty of time to practice so she could sit for her 5 month pictures....overachiever ;) She loves to blow bubbles, play peek-a-boo, take a bath and watch TV. She is so content just watching the big kids play, sitting in her bumbo seat (especially on the kitchen table while we are eating dinner), or hanging out and watching me read books to Ella. She is still a great sleeper, she wakes up once at night (during a 12 hour period) to nurse and takes two 2-3 hour naps during the day. I LOVE watching her little personality come out more and more each day, she is so fun and so sweet and such a joy in our lives :)

Sorry, once again, I couldn't narrow it down...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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